By Aaron Heller on Wednesday, 05 April 2017
Category: Instructors News

Training at Rhode Island Fire Instructors' Association

Bill Hopson recently presented training at Rhode Island Fire Instructors' Association in Exeter, Rhode Island. Below is an overview of the classes provided. We can bring these classes to your fire department!

Become a Better Fire Service Instructor on the Drill Ground

This highly interactive program is high energy, mega motivational and all about becoming a better Fire Service instructor on the Drill Ground. This presentation targets the active and engaged Fire Service instructor who seeks a traditional Instructor development block of training. It will help them become more capable, credible and competent. In this very interactive and unique type of training, the attendee will physically rotate through four evolutions, with each evolution containing a set of Instructor Development skills. These skills are specifically designed to improve the ability to supervise and teach students on the Drill Ground. The four rotations:
are designed to challenge the current capabilities of individual attendees while improving their skills in these four main areas.

Highly Interactive Training

Using specifically designed workbook and a unique, fast paced and highly motivational delivery, this program provides multiple opportunities for some attendees to deliver portions of the class, along with providing all attendees multiple opportunities to immediately improve on what they are doing and how they are doing it.

This program has a specific focus on the Drill Ground. It requires the individual to be actively engaged in the presentation. There is no "down time," nor is there a test of wills for how long an attendee can sit still and stare at a large projection screen. If you are looking to improve on the Drill Ground, this class is for you!