• 609-743-0166 / East Coast  |  208-993-0909 / West Coast
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Rescuing the Firefighter Through the Floor

Rescuing the Firefighter Through the Floor

By: Aaron Heller Over the years I have had the opportunity to attend Rapid Intervention Team training throughout the country. I've seen several different maneuvers used to move downed firefighters. Many times crews actually over-thought the process. In most cases, RIT doesn't need to be a complex process for firefighter removal. It is not necessari...

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  3638 Hits

It Only Takes One: The Ego Driven Firefighter

By: Aaron J. Heller I believe that we in the fire service are truly blessed to live out many a child's dream. We are still the one profession where people know and understand that our top priority is to help them in their most dire time of need. Collectively we have demonstrated this countless times throughout our storied history and we will contin...

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  2359 Hits

Burn'n In Da Bayou Fire Training


Training Tracks:
• Engine Company Operations with Live Fire
• Truck Company Operations with Live Fire
• Rapid Intervention Team Operations with Live Fire

  2903 Hits

Instructor Development Programs

  • Becoming a Better Classroom Instructor
  • Becoming a Better Drill Ground Instructor
  • The Instructor’s Boot Camp
  • Grant Writing

  3078 Hits

Company Drills

  • Engine Company Operations
  • Truck Company Operations
  • Special Operations

  2326 Hits

Auto Extrication 1a

  • Advanced Vehicle Extrication
  • Extrication for the Short-Staffed Crew
  • Fire / Rescue & Pre-hospital Care in Motorsports
  • School Bus Extrication
  • Vehicle Extrication Awareness/NFPA1670 Compliant
  • Vehicle Extrication Operations

  2122 Hits

2018 Press Release - Operation Safe Schools


On Scene Training Associates, LLC is pleased to announce the launch of Operation Safe Schools, a program designed to secure our schools and keep children safe. Most current programs only address one element, such as active shooter training or security assessment. The distinct advantage of this comprehensive program is that it will cover multiple facets including safeguarding response, interim field medical care, innovative security measures and procedures, along with risk management. Training will be offered to teachers, school staff, law enforcement agencies, and fire and EMS departments.

Scott Trethaway, II will serve as the Project Lead and National Program Development Coordinator. Mr. Trethaway’s impressive career as a law enforcement officer and as a firefighter/paramedic spans over 25 years. His knowledge and experience is critical in providing insight into risk assessment, patient care, and training. Additional professionals are being added to our project team and will be announced shortly as well.

The mission of On Scene Training Associates is to provide emergency responders of all levels with the most up-to-date and cutting edge training courses and consulting services available. This is accomplished through interactive classroom presentations as well as realistic hands-on training opportunities. The OSTA staff is also experienced in performing SOP and Emergency Plan reviews. Through this established training and assessment platform, the Operations Safe Schools program has the potential to serve as a national model for dealing with school violence, active shooters, and terrorist related incidents.

  2199 Hits

Engine Company Operations Mastering the Fireground 2018

Engine Company Operations Mastering the Fireground 2018

On Scene Training Associates, LLC, in conjuction with the Collegeville Fire Company No.1 are presenting a 2 day program ENGINE COMPANY OPERATIONS: MASTERING THE RESIDENTIAL FIRE GROUND AND COMMERCIAL FIRE GROUND OPERATIONS IN THE REAL WORLD

June 2 & 3, 20188 am - 4 pm
Olin Hall on the Campus of Ursinus College

This 2 day course will cover all aspects of Engine Co. Ops at residential fires (sfd's, multiple dwellings, condos/townhouses) on day 1. Day 2 will focus on Commercial Fireground Operations to include strip malls, box stores, office building, and warehouses.

On Scene Training Associates, LLC is bringing our 2 day program Engine Company Operations: Mastering the Residential Fireground and Commercial Fireground Engine Company Operations In The Real World to Collegeville Fire Company of Collegeville, PA.

Saturday’s seminar will encompass all aspects of engine company operations at residential fires, including the single family dwelling, townhouse / condos, and multi-family residences.

On Sunday, the program focuses on engine company operations in commercial buildings including big box stores, strip malls, taxpayers, mid-rise office buildings, and warehouses. These courses provide real-world operations in real-world fires that include what engine companies need to know from hose loads to commanding the company and everything in between.

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  2193 Hits

Shasta Summit Fire Service Leadership Skills Development Conference 2018



We hope to see you at this exciting Fire Service Leadership Skills Development Conference.

FEATURED SPEAKERSNationally renowned speakers Chief Rick Lasky, Chief Bobby Halton, Captain Aaron Heller and Lieutenant Ray McCormack will provide high energy training sessions and Keynote addresses. Also instructing will be Paul Jockimo, On Scene Training Associates, LLC, the California Office of State Fire Marshal and other exciting west coast presenters.

THURSDAY - MAY 10, 2018

The Shasta County Training Officers in partnership with the Shasta County Fire Chiefs Association are hosting a BBQ Cook-off as a kick-off for the 2018 Shasta Summit in Redding. The competition is open to any fire agency that wishes to enter. There is no entry fee for this event. The judging will involve judges from the BBQ world as well as People’s Choice Award.

FRIDAY - MAY 11, 2018

Morning Session
  • History / Overview of State Fire Training and OSFM presented by California OFSM
  • Improving Your Fire Department presented by Bobby Halton
    *Note: This is a morning and afternoon session. If you select this session, you must select Chief Halton’s afternoon session as well.
  • Firefighter Stress: The Fours “R’s" and Beyond presented by Paul Jockimo
Lunch w/ Keynote by Bobby Halton: 1200 to 1330

Afternoon session
  • Firefighting Strategies and Tactics in Strip Malls presented by On-Scene Training Associates
  • Improving Your Fire Department presented by Bobby Halton
    *Note: This is a morning and afternoon session. If you select this session, you must select Chief Halton’s morning session as well.
  • Line of Duty Death: Commanding the Unthinkable presented by Paul Jockimo
Banquet w/ Keynote by Ray McCormack: 1800 to 1930

SATURDAY - MAY 12, 2018

Morning Session
  • Extinguishment Culture in Today’s Fire Service presented by Ray McCormack
  • Sweating the Small Stuff: Keeping Your People Safe and Alive presented by Rick Lasky
  • Firefighter Stress: The Fours “R’s" and Beyond -OR- Line of Duty Death: Commanding the Unthinkable presented by Paul Jockimo
    *Note: Class presentation will be determined based on turnout from Chief Jockimo’s Friday sessions.
Lunch w/ Keynote by Rick Lasky: 1200 to 1330

Afternoon session
  • Lines and Ladders Leadership by Ray McCormack
  • It’s Still the Best Job in the World: Leading Through Tough Times presented by Rick Lasky
  • Big Box Store Firefighting presented by Aaron Heller / On-Scene Training Associates

  2118 Hits

OSTA at 2018 FDIC International

OSTA at 2018 FDIC International

On Scene Training Associates, LLC instructors are honored to once again be presenters and hands-on training instructors at the 2018 Fire Department Instructors Conference International to be held April 23 – 28, 2018 in Indianapolis, IN. The largest and most influential annual fire service conference in the world are attended by more than 30,000 firefighters from across the globe.

  2093 Hits

Southern Vermont Regional Fire School April 14 -15, 2018

Southern Vermont Regional Fire School

Hosted by
Rutland County Fire Mutual Aid Association
Bennington County Fire Mutual Aid

April 14 and 15, 2018
Mill River Union High School
2321 Middle Road
Clarendon, VT

This year the Southern Vermont Fire School continues the tradition of offering an excellent selection of courses featuring distinguished instructors from across the northeast and Canada. We are offering several new courses this year. We are sure that you will be pleased with the programs that we have available.

On Scene Training will be one of the trainers at this year's Southern Vermont Fire School offering the course below.

This blended lecture/discussion provides firefighters/officers with proven and tested techniques needed to be successful at fire ground operations in the rural environment. Engine Company Operations interactive presentations will focus on basic team skill including hose line placement, hose line advancing and nozzle practices. Common mistakes made by the first due engine company and ways to prevent them will be discussed. This course will address skills sets needed to be successful at fires in commercial occupancies such as local box stores, strip malls and warehouses. Tactics to address these fires, size and complexity will be presented.
Instructor: Captain Aaron Heller
Prerequisites: None
Equipment: None

Hope to see you there!

  2602 Hits

Berks County H.O.T Fire Weekend 2017 – Sign Up

Berks County H.O.T Fire Weekend 2017 – Sign Up

On Scene Training Associates, LLC is proud to announce that the 7th Annual Berks County H.O.T. Fire Weekend will be held at the Berks County Fire Training Center in Reading, Pennsylvania on October 13-15, 2017.

Registration is Closed

This training opportunity is open to firefighters and departments nationwide and provides true Hands-On evolutions not found anywhere else in the region. All of the instructors provide real-world experience in each topic and scenario presented.

For more information regarding your company’s or individual involvement with this years Fire Weekend, please contact :
Aaron Heller (609) 743-0166

The Berks County HOT Fire Weekend has a new look for 2017.
This year On Scene Training Associates, LLC presents a weekend focused on Firefighter Survival and the Rapid Intervention Company. This weekend includes Friday night opening ceremonies at the Crown Plaza Hotel in (Reading, Pennsylvania) with a short memorial service to our fallen instructor EJ Mascaro, followed by a keynote presentation by Assistant Chief Jim Crawford of the Midway, SC Fire & Rescue. Chief Crawford is a retired assistant chief of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire and a longtime innovator of Firefighter Survival / RIT training throughout the nation and has led the RIT Combat Drills Hands-On Training program at FDIC since its inception. He has commanded RIT operations in real life Mayday incidents and will share his experience as a firefighter, company officer, and chief on these complex incidents.

Saturday is a 3-track program consisting of:
  • Track 1 consists of Hands-On Survival / RIT skills stations for the HOT participants.
  • Track 2 consists of a classroom & practical field evolutions for officers to command the RIT during firefighter MAYDAY incidents.
  • Track 3 is for the Junior / Probie attendees and will consist of evolutions designed to prepare these firefighters to serve as outside assistants for the RIT personnel committed to firefighter rescue.
Sunday is a 3-track program consisting of:
  • Hands-On RIT under Fire- HOT Attendees will be broken into individual RIT’s and complete several real-time RIT rescues under fire conditions.
  • Commanding the RIT- Officers in this track will serve as the Incident Commanders, Safety Officers, and Operations Officers commanding the HOT RIT Under Fire Evolutions with the guidance and assistance of the OSTA instructor team.
  • Junior / Probie- Attendees will complete exterior, non-idlh evolutions in conjunction with the HOT RIT rescues being completed.

  1695 Hits

Training at Tilton-Northfield Professional Firefighters Local 4659

Training at Tilton-Northfield Professional Firefighters Local 4659

Captain Aaron Heller and Ret. Captain Michael Clarke recently presented training at Tilton-Northfield Professional Firefighters Local 4659 in Tilton, New Hampshire. Below is an overview of the classes provided. We can bring these classes to your fire department!

Big Box Store Firefighting Strategies & Tactics

This course is a 3.5 hour lecture covering strategies and tactics of Big Box Stores. Topics include but are not limited to Engine Company operations regarding fire attack and extinguishment, line selection, line placement, crew responsibilities, and utilizing fire suppression systems. We also include Truck Company operations such as forcible entry, ventilation, and large area search techniques. Other topics include building construction, suppression systems, safety and survival techniques. Situational awareness for the Incident Commander, Company Officer, and line firefighters and in-depth coverage of strategy and tactics for Big Box Store fires are all included.

Engine Company Operations: Mastering the Fire Floor

This course is a 3.5 hour lecture course is perfect for all levels of firefighters and is an interactive
presentation for engine company members. Topics for both residential and commercial operations include sizeup, line selection, positioning, riding assignments, common mistakes made, and much more. Following this course firefighters and officers will better understand their roles, responsibilities, and how to be an effective engine company members.

  1658 Hits

Training at Rhode Island Fire Instructors' Association

Training at Rhode Island Fire Instructors' Association

Bill Hopson recently presented training at Rhode Island Fire Instructors' Association in Exeter, Rhode Island. Below is an overview of the classes provided. We can bring these classes to your fire department!

Become a Better Fire Service Instructor on the Drill Ground

This highly interactive program is high energy, mega motivational and all about becoming a better Fire Service instructor on the Drill Ground. This presentation targets the active and engaged Fire Service instructor who seeks a traditional Instructor development block of training. It will help them become more capable, credible and competent. In this very interactive and unique type of training, the attendee will physically rotate through four evolutions, with each evolution containing a set of Instructor Development skills. These skills are specifically designed to improve the ability to supervise and teach students on the Drill Ground. The four rotations:
  • Live Burn
  • SCBA/Smokehouse
  • Specialized Skills
  • Firefighter I/II,
are designed to challenge the current capabilities of individual attendees while improving their skills in these four main areas.

Highly Interactive Training

Using specifically designed workbook and a unique, fast paced and highly motivational delivery, this program provides multiple opportunities for some attendees to deliver portions of the class, along with providing all attendees multiple opportunities to immediately improve on what they are doing and how they are doing it.

This program has a specific focus on the Drill Ground. It requires the individual to be actively engaged in the presentation. There is no "down time," nor is there a test of wills for how long an attendee can sit still and stare at a large projection screen. If you are looking to improve on the Drill Ground, this class is for you!

  1646 Hits

OSTA at 2017 FDIC International

On Scene Training Associates, LLC instructors are honored to once again be presenters and hands-on training instructors at the 2017 Fire Department Instructors Conference International to be held April 24 - 29, 2017 in Indianapolis, IN. The largest and most influential annual fire service conference in the world are attended by more than 30,000 firefighters from across the globe.

We will have a big presence there again this year, see list of classes below.

  • Commercial Fireground Operations Hands-On Training
  • The Art of Making a Difference
  • Instructing on the Drill Ground: Getting Your Assignments Right
  • Special Operations in Small Departments
  • Understanding and Mitigating New Vehicle Technology Concerns
  • Big Box Store Firefighting: From Superstores to Main Street
  • Quick Drills For the Driver / Operator
  • Tower Ladder Operations: Tower Above the Rest

  1629 Hits

Berks County H.O.T Fire Weekend 2016 - Sign Up

Berks County H.O.T Fire Weekend 2016 - Sign Up

On Scene Training Associates, LLC is proud to announce that the 6th Annual Berks County H.O.T. Fire Weekend will be held at the Berks County Fire Training Center on October 28-30, 2016.

Announcement: We have created more slots by adding instructors...

Registration deadline is extended to 10-1-2016

This training opportunity is open to firefighters and departments nationwide and provides true Hands-On evolutions not found anywhere else in the region. All of the instructors provide real-world experience in each topic and scenario presented.

For more information regarding your company’s or individual involvement with this years Fire Weekend, please contact :
Aaron Heller (609) 743-0166


  2605 Hits

OSTA at 2016 FDIC

OSTA at 2016 FDIC

On Scene Training Associates, LLC instructors were honored to once again be presenters and hands-on training instructors at the 2016 Fire Department Instructors Conference International held last month in Indianapolis, IN. The largest and most influential annual fire service conference in the world was attended by more than 30,000 firefighters from across the globe.

OSTA Instructors Carl Haddon, Eric Hankins, Ray McCormack, Art Bloomer, Mike Ciampo, EJ Mascaro, Bill Hopson, and Aaron Heller all presented seminars while John “Bart” Simpson, Mascaro, McCormack, and Ciampo also served as H.O.T. instructors.

Additionally, instructors Heller, Mascaro, and Ciampo had the opportunity to do presentations on the exhibit hall floor working with Safety Components (Trusted Leader in Textile Technology) delivering leadership and tactical training highlights throughout the week.

If you would like to bring these high level courses to your department drop us a line and we’ll be happy to come to your location.

609-743-0166 / East Coast
208-993-0909 / West Coast

  1776 Hits

Are Your Hydraulic Extrication Tools and Your Extrication Program Instructor Compatible?

Carl Haddon recent article for Fire Apparatus Magazine:

Are Your Hydraulic Extrication Tools and Your Extrication Program Instructor Compatible?
If your current rescue tools and your extrication training program are both 15 to 20 years old or older, then the answer to my question of compatibility is a resounding, "Yes," they are most likely compatible. Otherwise, you might be surprised. (Note: Fasten your seat belts, because this one is probably going to get me in trouble.) >Read More

  1695 Hits

It Only Takes One: The Ego Driven Firefighter

Captain Aaron Heller has written another article for "Fire Engineering"

It Only Takes One: The Ego Driven Firefighter
By: Captain Aaron J. Heller

I believe that we in the fire service are truly blessed to live out many a child’s dream. We are still the one profession where people know and understand that our top priority is to help them in their most dire time of need. Collectively we have demonstrated this countless times throughout our storied history and we will continue to write amazing chapters to that in the future. Whether we consider it fortunate or not, firefighters are human with real emotions and a wide variety of thought processes. Now, by no means do I claim to have a formal education in psychology, but in the course of my 30 year career I have had the opportunity to work with and observe hundreds of firefighters. They are driven to be the best in their company or house, the best on the training grounds, the best in the department, and the best in the region. So I ask you, what’s driving them? I have asked myself this very question numerous times throughout my career and I have always hoped I came up with a true and unjaded answer. Are they driven by the desire to do good things and serve their communities? Is it that they feel the need to show how amazing the fire service can be and the tremendous deeds we perform across the globe each day? Is it the drive to possess skills that few will ever comprehend? Are they simply show-offs? Or is it something else? Read More Aaron J Heller Article

  1749 Hits

Rurally Speaking: Down South Rural—Way Down South by Carl Haddon

Rurally Speaking: Down South Rural—Way Down South by Carl Haddon

Carl Haddon most recent article written for FireApparatus.com  is entitled "Rurally Speaking: Down South Rural—Way Down South" The following is an excerpt from this article.

Rurally Speaking: Down South Rural—Way Down South

Most who read this column have some involvement or interest in the rural fire service and its community. Here in the United States, we often find ourselves with similar rural challenges of departmental issues like staffing, morale, volunteer retention, training, and the seemingly ever shrinking department and district budgets. Costs of goods and services continue to rise, and our budget numbers and revenues never seem to quite keep time with our needs. All the while, we continue to work hard to mitigate our financial and operational challenges, so as to be the best that we can be for those we serve, while keeping our members as safe and as well trained as possible.

For those of you who work tirelessly toward bettering your rural department, and have been on committees for, or dealt with some of the rural challenges listed above, I offer you the opportunity to buckle your seat belt, and join me on assignment here in rural Costa Rica. In the shadow of FDIC International, take in some of this country’s rural fire service challenges, and think of what you might do to help mitigate these daily operational issues. Perhaps your own plight may not seem so tough as you ride along with me through the harrowing streets of the pacific coast of rural Costa Rica.

My brother and sister bomberos (firefighters) here in Costa Rica are as passionate about their craft as you and I, or any dedicated volunteer or career firefighter anywhere in the world. The climate here is very tropical, with high humidity and temperatures that average in the mid to upper 80s most of the year. Here, there are basically two seasons; hot and dry. November to beginning of April is the hot season and April through October is the hot season. Wearing traditional bunker or turnout gear here is a real treat. More important is the availability of water. Hydrants outside of “cities” are few and very far between. Drafting water during the dry season can be challenging at best. When you can find a body of water to draft from, you often find yourself sharing that body of water with unhappy cocodrillos (crocodiles). No, I’m not kidding.

Click to read full article here.

  1802 Hits

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